On my Joshua website I have posted the first five chapters of the book. If you like what you read I hope you will buy a copy. It is available in paperback and also on Kindle.
When I started this in July of 2010 it was just an interesting experiment. I had been writing (websites and blogs) for years but always wanted to try my hand at fiction. I had an idea that I thought would make a good story but never got around to putting it down. Finally I decided to just do it and with a few chapters completed knew I had to show it to others. I couldn't keep it to myself. Fortunately for my ego the large majority of responses were favorable. You early readers really encouraged me to finish it!
I've had a lot of fun working on this book and learned a great deal about writing and myself too. I finished a project I wasn't sure I could and (hopefully) created something that others might enjoy. That's all I really wanted, to do what I loved and at the same time entertain readers with my words. I hope that I did.
Now if you'll excuse me I have to get to work on my second novel!
Congratulations, sir. I'm truly happy to hear the news!
Congratulations! Kindle copy ordered!
Thanks guys!
...read the first chapter. Now I guess I have to read the rest to find out what happens.
Hehehe – that was my evil plan all along …
Thanks Jason! You should get your copy in just a few days.
Greetings from Texas,
Best of luck with your book Wilson. Will it be available in stores or mail order?
Thanks – it would be great to see my book on the shelf at every Wal-Mart in the US, but I’ll just have to settle for selling it on Amazon.
Saw the mention of your book @ Jason's blog....went to Amazon and got a sample. Gave it a try last nite on the Fire....then opted to buy it. I am enjoying it! It's exciting and suspenseful and doesn's seem very far-fetched at all.
Jason’s Mom – thank you for the compliment, I hope you enjoy the book. I did try to make my story somewhat realistic while still keeping it interesting. For instance, there are action scenes in the book but I made an effort to portray them from the point of view of an average gun owner. The protagonist is someone that did have experience with guns but until then never had to use them in life and death situations, and I tried to show that.
Good afternoon,
I just ordered Joshua :)
You got me hooked with the first few chapters ;)
A belated congratulations!
I want to thank everyone for their comments and emails. I especially want to send out a big THANK YOU to all that actually spent some of their hard-earned money on my little book.
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