Friday, March 19, 2010

wilsonblogclassic® Originally posted Monday, January 5, 2009

1970s TV - The television of my wasted youth!

On Saturday, October 28th 1978 there occurred a single transfixing event that brought, if only for a brief time, the youth of this great nation together, gawk eyed in front of their glaring wood and velvet encased tube television sets. And what could bring America's younger generation together that night with such a single unified purpose? Was it a Presidential address? No. Was it a moon landing? No. What enthralled America's youth that night was the first ever television movie by the Rock & Roll blitzkrieg sensation known as the band KISS! It was the premiere of KISS Meets the Phantom! They had been, for several years now, shocking and delighting an ever increasing fanatical legion of followers and now here they were this night on tv for all of America to see, walking, talking, performing and even fighting super villains! Yes it was more than many of us mesmerized viewers could stand! Afterwards I am sure that there was many a youngster that had trouble sleeping that night! But it was over all too soon, only two hours of magic and then it was gone. Leaving us only with our cherished memories, our 8-Track tapes, posters, photos and a vague glimmer of a hope that maybe NBC would rerun the movie for us. Or perhaps if we were really lucky Kiss might even make another appearance on The Mike Douglas Show

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