Today at the range I was only worried about 2 things, that the rifle's iron sights were on target and that it was reliable. It's good to go on both points. The sights were nearly dead on at 100 yards from the factory but did require a couple of right clicks to get it centered. I'm going to get a red dot sight for this but I wanted make sure of the regular sights before I did anything else. I also fired 80 rounds using 3 different brands of ammo without a malfunction. The weather was good too, all told a great morning shooting some fun guns!
How did you like the Cmore? I might get 1 myself. Does it compare well to the Aimpoint or EOTech?
I have almost no experience with any of them. I tried my brother’s and as for the Eotech and Aimpoints, I have checked them out at the gun shops but never actually used them. I can say that the C-more works well, is smaller and lighter than the others, and at half the price. That’s a lot going for it. It’s definitely on my short list of sights for my AR-15.
I have tried the sights mentioned and they are all very good, but the cmore is the best buy.
Just discovered your blog - GREAT! As for the sights I have tried them all. The Cmore is definitely the bargain of the 3 but I still prefer the EOTech. I have the model that uses regular batteries.
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