All of my "Safe Queens" are now gone. Early this year I decided to redo my gun collection a bit, with more emphasis on shooting tools rather than collectible guns that I also shoot (which was a large portion of my collection). I had several guns that I owned for years and maybe shot once or twice, I also had a couple that were never shot at all. Most were Smith & Wesson revolvers that were in nice shape and I just couldn't bring myself to use. I started back in the summer by selling a 3 ½ Inch S&W .357 Magnum "Pre Model 27" made in 1954. The gun was in super condition and in the original box. I had owned it over five years and never once could bring myself to shoot it. It had to go. Several more have gone since then including the only two K frame .38s that I owned and hardly used. Now I have received my final consignment check for the last of them that were sold at auction a few weeks ago, including another nice N frame that I had also managed to never getting around to using in the nearly three years that I owned it. I can't say that I am out of the collectible game completely, there are a couple that I have been looking for and if I find them at a good price I would probably buy them, but that's about it. From now on I will concentrating more on the tools that I need and that includes a couple of rifles that I've been wanting a while now. I will be using that money on those rifles and some optics that I need too.
I know that must have been hard to do because I did it myself over 20 years ago. I had a nice collection of Winchester M12 shotguns. I had 10 of them and only 3 of them ever got used. Finally after a few years got rid of all but the ones that I actually used.
Yes, I decided early on to limit the contents of the safe to firearms that I actually shoot. Otherwise I might as well be buying jewelry.
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