Today I took one new gun, a Smith & Wesson 990L .45 that I purchased nearly two months ago. It has been sitting in my safe since then collecting dust. I also brought along my HK USP .45 that is my current "House" gun as I need to keep in practice with it. All shooting this day was at 7, 10 and 15 yards using a Weaver stance. Ammunition taken along was Remington and S&B 230gr ball and I used my usual target, a standard USPSA/IPSC silhouette with a Shoot-N-C 5-inch stick on over the "A" zone. As long as I can keep in the A I'm happy. If I keep it in the black I'm very happy.
I bought the S&W back in June at a good price but as I said it is only now that I've got around to trying it. The 990L is a striker fired pistol with a double action only trigger pull and is comparable to the Glock. I needed to know if this one was a "keeper" or if I should trade it off on something else. The USP I've had for a while now and I like it more every time I shoot it. As I said it's mainly for home defense but I have carried it a few times in the colder months when the weather allows me to cover it with a coat.
First up was the Smith & Wesson. Out of the box it was pulling a little right and the first three shots out of it were the only ones not in the A zone the whole day. No matter, the 990L has an adjustable back sight so I just got out my screwdriver and it was a quick, easy fix. From then on it was right on target. The pistol performed flawlessly, 200 rounds without a hiccup. My precious hollowpoint stockpile is getting low so I didn't bring any along today. I'll bring some next time but I suspect it will be just a reliable with them. This pistol is lighter and smaller than my USP and it seemed that recovery times between shots was slower. I'm sure that at least some of the problem was the fact that this gun (and its trigger) are entirely new to me. When I get some more range time I expect to shoot it faster and the groups to shrink too. The photo above was from firing at seven yards as fast as I could and is typical of the guns performance today. So far I'm very pleased with my new .45.
Next up was the USP and I put another 100 rounds through it this morning. As usual function was perfect. Since I've owned this pistol I've put hundreds of rounds through it including numerous kinds of hollowpoint ammunition without a malfunction. Despite its size (or maybe because of it) the USP is one of my most pleasant .45s to shoot. Follow up shots seem quicker and easier and you are really having a bad day if you get out of the A zone. I have had this HK for two years next month and it has yet to let me down. This pistol was well worth the price of admission.
Had a great day shooting two impressive .45s and hope to do it again real soon!

With my various issues, I've not been 'live firing' in some time. It's nice to see a regular guy blogger shooting well in the blogs.
Take Care,
Thanks! It sure felt good to get out again.
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