Saundra Brown, 28, the first black woman on the Oakland police force gets instructions on how to shoot a shotgun by police rangemaster Adolph Bischofberger. Saundra graduates Friday near the top of her class after 15 weeks of criminal law, report writing, first aid, firearms training and defensive tactics. 'I really feel very confident now,' she said, 'but before I was totally afraid. I didn't want to be around a gun.'" Dec 17 1970
Besides being taught how to fire a shotgun from the hip while in heels let us hope that Saundra got some more practical instruction, like what that little brass bead on the end of the barrel was for...
From all the "Law Enforcement Gun Digests" of the era I've flipped through recently, it took the police well into the '80s to figure out why shotguns were fitted with shoulder stocks.
It seems for many years that sights were not required on police firearms.
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