It might seem strange to some that I decided to go shooting to get "peace and quiet" but it's not. Now days I most often go shooting on family owned farmland. It's a good drive from here and cost me twice as much to shoot compared to the local gun range 10 minutes from my house. But sometimes it's not about saving money. Shooting on this private property allows me freedoms that you will never have on a public range. Then there's the solitude which I needed probably more than to go shooting, at least yesterday.
I have a few guns that I've owed a while but haven't managed to shoot yet. I decided to take my Ruger Government target model .22. It was my BAG gun purchase last April and it has sat neglected in my safe since.
As predicted it did rain but during a few intermittent breaks from the showers I managed to put 100 rounds down range and get a good idea how this Ruger handles. All shooting was done at 50 feet using an improvised rest. Ammunition used was Federal "AutoMatch" .22 Long Rifle. Over the past few months I've bought several boxes of this from the local wallyworld in the 325 round bulk packs. I had yet to try it out and it was a good day for that too. The pistol and ammo performed flawlessly together and I actually had holes touching when I concentrated. The groups above were typical for the day firing with a leisurely (but not super slow) pace.
In spite of the rain I enjoyed myself yesterday and had some quality "alone time," which I probably needed much more than the shooting.
Ah, to have some farmland to shoot on. Recently went out to the the local club with a High Standard Military model .22. That is indeed relaxing.
It’s a completely different experience than shooting on a public range. I wish every gun owner could have a chance to try it.
That Ruger Gov't model is a real beauty - I have had one or two of those over the years and they are one my most favorite guns to shoot. I too wish I had some family farmland to head too for some plinking! Luckily we have a pretty nice local outdoor range with trap and skeet fields as well as covered pistol and rifle ranges. I need to get back out there soon.
Nice to have you back Jason. Yep, the Ruger Govt. is a fine pistol and very accurate. I don’t think they make this model anymore but they can still be had at a good price. I do most of my shooting on that farm now. The gas to get there and back costs me twice as much as shooting at the local range but it’s worth it to me. Nothing wrong with a good public range, if they’ve got a good range officer, I’ve just been at quite a few that don’t. You should go shooting first chance you get, it’ll blow out the cobwebs in your head. Does for me, anyway…
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